Pulp and Paper Canada

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Mercer Peace River’s new log hauling company to play important role in fibre procurement

May 25, 2022  By P&PC Staff

Mercer International has established a new transportation company –  Peace River Transport (PRT). PRT will support Mercer Peace River’s Fibre Procurement Project and further the company’s sustainability initiatives.

Mercer Peace River’s woodchipping processes will soon be moved onsite after the construction of the company’s new woodroom. Currently, the mill’s hardwood fibre procurement process is a portable chipping method whereby trees are processed offsite in the forest (sliced or chipped into small, chip-sized pieces) and delivered to the mill using chip trucks. When the woodroom is complete, the fibre procurement process will change to cutting the aspen trees into smaller, uniform log pieces – a process called “Cut-to-Length”. These cut-to-length logs will be transported to Mercer Peace River on larger, more efficient 10-axle trucks to be processed in the new woodroom.

Peace River Transport is to play a key role in this procurement process. It will transport the cut-to-length logs from the forest to the woodroom.


“PRT is fundamental to the success of our new Fibre Procurement Project” shared Roger Ashfield, managing director. “This Mercer establishment will not only streamline our fibre transportation but will more importantly lower our carbon footprint, creating long-term environmental enhancements. At Mercer, we are constantly evolving our processes to better protect our economy, environment, and the communities in which we operate.”

PRT requisitioned 17 modern 10-axle log trucks and plans to expand to over 40. These trucks, operated by both PRT personnel and contracted owner-operators, will support the majority of MPR’s fibre transportation needs. Immediate investment in PRT is expected to create 34 local jobs, supporting the local economy. PRT will also open the door to potential long-term, meaningful partnerships in the region.

Henry Dyck joined as the new general manager (GM) for PRT to make the transport company a success. Dyck will provide leadership to grow and operate this standalone entity, with the focus to seek and expand the business through additional economic development opportunities.

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